Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Titanomachy is the battle between Gods and Titans which held over more than 10 years. Cronus, the king of the Titans, ate all his children because he thought that children will overthrow him and take the control of the world. But Rhea, his wife, brought the youngest one, Zeus, into a cave and raised him up. After he grew up he got a poisonous wine and gave it to Cronus. Being immortal, the other children of Cronus can’t be killed. So they raised in the Cronus stomach. After Cronus vomited the others, they united with Zeus and stand against the Titans. Then the War began. The war between Titans and their offspring, Gods. Cronus lead the Titans consisting of his eleven siblings while Zeus lead the Gods consisting with his siblings. Hecatonchires (Hundred-handed), the Gigantes (Giants) and Cyclopes too joined with Zeus because they were imprisoned by Titans. Cyclopes made the Zeus famous weapon lightning blot. Hecatonchires made a trident for Poseidon which can shake the earth and shatter any object other than the Earth, a invisible helmet for Hades which gave invisibility to the wearer.

Finally the Gods won from the battle after imprisoned the Cronus and rest of the Titans in the Tartarus except the titan Atlas. He was punished by giving him the task to hold the earth by his shoulders forever. Hecatonchires was assigned to guard the Tartarus, the deepest pot in the underworld.


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